在Clickhouse的MergeTree引擎家族,排序列必须以主键列开头,否则报错DB::Exception: Primary key must be a prefix of the sorting key, but in position 0 its column is seqid, not collectdate.
每日归档: 2021年4月27日
clickhouse 查看建表语句 show create table
clickhouse 通过mysql兼容的show create table 语法来获得建表语句。
clickhouse 建表create table MergeTree报错DB::Exception: Storage MergeTree requires 3 to 4 parameters
Clickhouse 在创建MergeTree引擎的表时,必须指定一些必要的参数,否则会报DB::Exception: Storage MergeTree requires 3 to 4 parameters的错误。
clickhouse 建表create table 报错Expected one of: storage definition, ENGINE, AS
clickhouse在建表时,必须指定引擎类型,否则就会报Expected one of: storage definition, ENGINE, AS错误。
数据库避免数据部分写入的FULL_PAGE_WRITES和double write机制个人理解
数据库避免数据部分写入的FULL_PAGE_WRITES和double write机制个人理解