南大通用GBase 8a通过rebalance to实现回退重分布表操作

GBase 8a数据库支持在线扩容,其中重分布步骤rebalance,将老数据重分布到新的分布策略(distirbution id),在某些情况下,也可以通过rebalance to 将新策略数据,回退到老的策略上。


GBase 8a 扩容操作详细实例

GBase 8a 扩容操作意外处理方案

GBase 8a集群扩容注意事项


rebalance {instance|database dbname|table tbname} [to distributionID]


该重分布命令,默认是将老的分布策略(distributionid 较小的),重分布到新的(较大的),在某些情况下,也存在要回退的可能性,比如随机分布表默认是快速重分布,但现场因为磁盘空间问题做的扩容,参数忘记设置了,而此时只有部分表做了重分布操作。后续有2个解决方案:

1、继续重分布,将所有操作做完,然后再新建一个distribution, 设置好参数,重新做一次重分布。




gbase> delete from rebalancing_status;
Query OK, 70 rows affected (Elapsed: 00:00:00.26)

gbase> select * from rebalancing_status;
Empty set (Elapsed: 00:00:00.01)



gbase> select * from gbase.table_distribution order by data_distribution_id;;
| index_name                         | dbName     | tbName                  | isReplicate | hash_column | lmt_storage_size | table_storage_size | is_nocopies | data_distribution_id | vc_id   | mirror_vc_id |
| testdb.t1                          | testdb     | t1                      | NO          | NULL        |             NULL |               NULL | NO          |                    1 | vc00001 | vc00002      |
| testmirror.t1                      | testmirror | t1                      | NO          | NULL        |             NULL |               NULL | NO          |                    1 | vc00001 | vc00002      |
| testdb.t2                          | testdb     | t2                      | NO          | NULL        |             NULL |               NULL | NO          |                    1 | vc00001 | vc00002      |
| testdb.t3                          | testdb     | t3                      | NO          | NULL        |             NULL |               NULL | NO          |                    1 | vc00001 | vc00002      |
| testdb.t_encrypt                   | testdb     | t_encrypt               | NO          | NULL        |             NULL |               NULL | NO          |                    1 | vc00001 | vc00002      |
| gclusterdb.rebalancing_status      | gclusterdb | rebalancing_status      | NO          | index_name  |             NULL |               NULL | NO          |                    3 | vc00001 | NULL         |
| gclusterdb.dual                    | gclusterdb | dual                    | YES         | NULL        |             NULL |               NULL | NO          |                    3 | vc00001 | NULL         |
| testdb.t4                          | testdb     | t4                      | NO          | NULL        |             NULL |               NULL | NO          |                    3 | vc00001 |              |
82 rows in set (Elapsed: 00:00:00.00)


通过rebalance table to 方法,将表回退到1,注意其中的gclusterdb.rebalancing_status不能手工回退。

gbase> rebalance table testdb.t4 to 1;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (Elapsed: 00:00:00.05)

gbase> rebalance table gclusterdb.dual to 1;
Query OK, 0 rows affected (Elapsed: 00:00:00.06)

gbase> rebalance table gclusterdb.rebalancing_status to 1;
ERROR 1707 (HY000): gcluster command error: system table can't be rebalanced.

gbase> select * from gbase.table_distribution order by data_distribution_id;;
| index_name                         | dbName     | tbName                  | isReplicate | hash_column | lmt_storage_size | table_storage_size | is_nocopies | data_distribution_id | vc_id   | mirror_vc_id |
| gclusterdb.dual                    | gclusterdb | dual                    | YES         | NULL        |             NULL |               NULL | NO          |                    1 | vc00001 | NULL         |
| gclusterdb.rebalancing_status      | gclusterdb | rebalancing_status      | NO          | index_name  |             NULL |               NULL | NO          |                    1 | vc00001 | NULL         |
| testdb.t1                          | testdb     | t1                      | NO          | NULL        |             NULL |               NULL | NO          |                    1 | vc00001 | vc00002      |
| testmirror.t1                      | testmirror | t1                      | NO          | NULL        |             NULL |               NULL | NO          |                    1 | vc00001 | vc00002      |
| testdb.t2                          | testdb     | t2                      | NO          | NULL        |             NULL |               NULL | NO          |                    1 | vc00001 | vc00002      |
| testdb.t3                          | testdb     | t3                      | NO          | NULL        |             NULL |               NULL | NO          |                    1 | vc00001 | vc00002      |
| testdb.t4                          | testdb     | t4                      | NO          | NULL        |             NULL |               NULL | NO          |                    1 | vc00001 |              |
| testdb.t_encrypt                   | testdb     | t_encrypt               | NO          | NULL        |             NULL |               NULL | NO          |                    1 | vc00001 | vc00002      |
82 rows in set (Elapsed: 00:00:00.00)


gbase> select * from gclusterdb.rebalancing_status;
| index_name      | db_name    | table_name | tmptable | start_time                 | end_time                   | status    | percentage | priority | host       | distribution_id |
| testdb.t4       | testdb     | t4         |          | 2021-03-22 15:52:12.401000 | 2021-03-22 15:52:12.809000 | COMPLETED |        100 |        5 | |               1 |
| gclusterdb.dual | gclusterdb | dual       |          | 2021-03-22 15:52:42.051000 | 2021-03-22 15:52:42.515000 | COMPLETED |        100 |        5 | |               1 |
2 rows in set (Elapsed: 00:00:00.02)

gbase> delete from rebalancing_status;
Query OK, 2 rows affected (Elapsed: 00:00:00.26)

gbase> select * from rebalancing_status;
Empty set (Elapsed: 00:00:00.01)

